I loved seeing the falls, as always they look smaller in real life than they do on TV (same I found with the Statue of Liberty) but they were still pretty amazing.
We viewed the falls from both the American side and the Canadian side, you get a much better view from the Canadian side though as you get a full view of both the American Falls and the Horseshoe Falls.
The American Falls
The Horseshoe Falls
We went on `The Maid in the Mist` and it was spectacular, to get up so close to the falls and see them from below was quite amazing! If you ever go I would definately recommend it!
View from the Maid in the Mist
Niagra as a town itself is extremely commercialised though, I suppose it is to be expected. But I was only interested in the falls and not all the amusement arcades, shows and tatty shops that come with it. (Think Blackpool on steroids)
On our second night there were fireworks over the falls and they were spectacular! I was very impressed, probably the best fireworks I have ever seen. All in all a great trip and happy to get a Canadian Stamp in my passport, even if I only went in about 1 kilometre inside the border!
Fireworks over the Falls